Terms of Use

Terms of Use


GEPALIFT created the website https://www.gepalift.com, hereafter the “Website”, in order to offer information to visitors about the Company, its establishment, operation, activity, products, partnerships, etc. The Website offers informative content on topics that refer to the operation and activity of the Company, and gives a visitor/user the opportunity to subscribe to receive newsletters, as well as the opportunity to contact the Company through a special form.


The use of the Website is governed by the terms and conditions herein, and each visitor/user should carefully read them, and must comply with them. The use of the Website also implies automatic acceptance of the terms and conditions hereof, as applicable in every instance.


In the event that a visitor/user does not agree with the terms of use hereof, they should not make use of the content of the website.


The Company may, in its full discretion, proceed with amending the Terms and Conditions of Use of the Website hereof without prior notice or notification, but it shall be under obligation to promptly proceed with updating the terms hereof. The visitors/users of the Website can be informed about the date of the last update of the terms and conditions hereof through a relevant post on this website.


In the event that any Terms hereof become null and void, this will not result in any of the other terms becoming null and void. Should the Company not exercise its rights arising from the Terms hereof, this shall not imply that it waives these rights. The company shall not be held liable for a breach of the Terms hereof that is due to force majeure.



The use of the website is exclusively aimed at adults. Minor visitors/users of the website are not entitled to subscribe to the website and are under no obligation to disclose their personal data to anyone. If, notwithstanding that, minors voluntarily disclose in any way their personal data on the website or subscribe to the website, the Company shall bear no responsibility, and shall delete the data collected from a minor visitor/user, as soon as it becomes aware of their collection.


Liability of the Company

The Company shall do its best to ensure that the information, and content, in general, that is available through the Website is characterized by clarity, accuracy, and completeness. In any case, the Company shall be under no liability to a visitor/user of the Website for any damage that may have been caused to them due to not updating the information provided.


The liability of the Company is solely and exclusively limited to providing information on its areas of activity. The Company shall be under no liability for any legal claims under civil or/and criminal law nor for any damage (incidental, special, or consequential, which, indicatively but not limited to, disjunctive or/and cumulative, refers to loss of profits, foregone earnings, financial compensation, etc.) by visitors/users of the website or third parties, by cause that is associated with running, or not, or/and using the website or/and failing to provide information that is available on it and information that is available through it.


Obligations of users

A visitor/user of the Website shall be under obligation to make lawful and appropriate use of the website and observe the terms and conditions herein. A visitor/user of the Website shall be under obligation to refrain from any use that is illegal, against common business practices, and unlawful, as well as misuse of the content of the Website. Any activity that is against Greek law or may harm the Company and third parties is expressly prohibited.


In the event of a breach of the terms hereof, the Company reserves the right to safeguard and protect its interests by any legal means, and defaulters shall be under obligation to remedy any damage to the Company.


Intellectual Property Rights

The entire content of the Website, excluding any exceptions expressly stated (third party copyrights) which – indicatively – includes texts, graphics, images, photographs, designs, videos, sounds, etc., hereafter the Content, are intellectual property, trademarks, and service marks of the Company and are protected under applicable national, EU, and international law.


All rights of use are reserved by the Company, as well as title deeds regarding the content, along with all copies that are created based on it, and also all copyrights and other rights that refer to it. The content of the Website shall be available to its visitors/users for personal use. The content shall be subject to changes without relevant notice, at the discretion of the administrator of the web portal. Upon acceptance of the terms of use, its non-commercial use and reproduction, in whole or in part, is permitted, provided that the reproduced product is then freely available through the Internet or another appropriate medium, and is accompanied by clear and distinct reference to its source of origin. Any other use requires the express written permission of the copyright owner or holder. Other products or services that are listed on the web pages of this Website and bear the marks of the respective organizations, companies, partner bodies, associations, or publications, are intellectual and industrial properties of these parties, and therefore, these parties shall bear relevant responsibility.


Use of links to third-party websites (links)

The Website provides access to third-party websites through appropriate links. These links have been placed solely for the convenience of visitors/users of the Website, whereas the websites, to which they link out, are subject to the respective terms of use of those websites. The placement of links shall not serve as evidence of approval or acceptance of the content of the respective websites by the administrator of the Website, who shall bear no responsibility for their content nor for their privacy policies nor for the accuracy of materials contained in them. Should a visitor/user of the Website decide to use, through its links, any third-party website, they shall agree to do so under their own responsibility.



Upon your request, the company will send newsletter email messages on a regular basis. The Company shall bear no responsibility, if the newsletters are not delivered to their destination, even though it does its best to deliver them. A newsletter may end up in the spam folder, which should be regularly checked for this reason to ensure that it has not been saved in there.


Applicable Law

All terms hereof are governed by Greek and EU law, and the Courts at the company’s registered office shall be competent for resolving any disputes.